Growing in Faith

We want to build a community that helps you grow your faith in abundance.
Here are some  ways to help you do just that.

Fighting Shadows Mens Group

Men, Join us for a 9-week course designed to help us discover the satisfaction of becoming the man God created us to be as we tackle the shadow that has settled over the hearts of men today.
Wednesdays, January 15 through March 12 | 6:30-8 AM | Cafe

Womens Winter Study: Romans 8

Women, join us for a 7-week series as we walk through Romans 8! Learn from the apostle Paul's letter to the Roman church about the great truths of our salvation and grow in understanding of how the Holy Spirit guides our new life in the Spirit.
Saturdays, January 25 through March 8 |9-11 AM | Park Near North Auditorium

Park Community Church Winter Celebration

Join us for our fourth annual Park Community Church Winter Celebration at The Salt Shed! We will be gathering as a Park family of churches to sing, fellowship, and hear from God's Word.
Sunday, January 26 | 10 AM-12 PM | The Salt Shed at 1357 N Elston Ave, Chicago, IL 60642

Marriage 101

This six week course is designed to help couples who are seriously dating, engaged, or recently married to get off to a great start in marriage with Christ-centered principles. The class topics include the foundations of marriage, communication, conflict, family of origin, intimacy, and finances.
Sundays, February 2 through March 9 | 8-9:30 AM | Park Near North Rooms 205/6

Chicagoland United in Prayer

Join us for this annual, Christian, city-wide united prayer event as we grow in unity as fellow Believers.
Sunday, February 2 | 5-7 PM | First Baptist Congregational Church


Grief Share is a 13-week Christ-centered program designed to help people apply biblical principles as they deal with the emotions and life stresses following the death of a loved one.
Wednesdays, February 5 through April 16 | 6:30-8:30 PM | Park Near North

Membership Class

If you are ready to call Park Near North your church home, attend an upcoming membership class to learn more about our mission and vision, and how you can join our church family and partner with us in the gospel.
Sunday, February 9 | 11:45 AM | Rooms 205/206

Baptism Class

Baptism is the outward expression of our inward faith. It is a way of publicly declaring that you are a follower of Christ. Want to learn more? Attend one of our Baptism Classes!
Sunday, February 9 | 11:45 AM | Second Floor Conference Room

Work Matters Career Vocational Groups Kickoff

Work Matters is excited to be launching three vocational groups: Education, Corporate and Medical! Join us for the kick off and the launch of these groups after the service on Sunday, February 16.
Sunday, February 16 | 11:45 AM | Rooms 205/6

Financial Peace University

Financial Peace University is a nine-week course that teaches you how to save for emergencies, pay off debt fast, spend wisely, and invest for your future. Whether you feel like you are in a financial crisis, trying to avoid one, or just want to honor God through your finances, Financial Peace University can help you learn faith-based fiscal responsibility.
Sundays, February 16 through April 13 | 12 PM | Room 101